Vida Elementary School Purulhá
grade two
Graduation Year:

Vida Elementary School Purulhá grade two

Your class is learning a lot this year! In Grade 2, the students are learning to recognize themselves as a unique creation of God and how much they are loved by Him. They are learning to display consideration and respect towards their peers, and they are learning their role as part of a family and a community. Grade 2 students are working on reading and composing short texts with comprehension, writing in cursive and script, solving simple math problems, expressing fractions, identifying and writing numbers up to 1000, and recognizing Mayan numbers and Roman numerals. They are exploring elements of their natural surroundings, practicing environmental stewardship, classifying living beings based on common characteristics, and learning the role of their five senses in relationship with the environment.

Vida Elementary School Purulhá

This class is part of Impact Ministries' Vida Elementary School Purulhá in Purulhá, a small town located approximately a 25-minute drive southeast of Tactic. The public schools are filled to capacity with only 1,200 of the 10,000 school aged children from the area. This means that 8,800 school spaces are needed. The mayor of Purulhá implored us to plant a school in his community, and he donated a large piece of land to Impact Ministries for the construction of a school. We opened the doors of the school in January 2007 and provide an elementary program for approximately 150 students from Preschool to Grade 7. Most of these children come from needy and broken homes our hope and goal are to raise them up to be leaders who serve Him and influence the community around them.

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