Vida Jr. High School Chijulhá
grade ten
Graduation Year:

Vida Jr. High School Chijulhá grade ten

Applies Christian values in daily life. Solves various situations and everyday problems through logical, reflective, critical, and creative thinking. Applies technology and knowledge in family, school, and community development projects. Practices dialogue in the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts. Executes projects that ensure the conservation of the environment and sustainable development in family, school, and community settings. Practices courtesy norms for peaceful coexistence in their environment. Values their body, health, and general well-being, recognizing the benefits obtained from physical activity. Promotes the practice and preservation of artistic, scientific, and technological manifestations in their educational institution. Drafts various documents with excellent handwriting, applying spelling and grammatical rules coherently. Plans activities that promote a Christian atmosphere in their surroundings. Uses their gifts and abilities for the benefit of the community where they operate. Socializes personal hygiene habits in their community. Encourages teamwork in their community, maintaining peace and listening to others. Utilizes natural resources in their community responsibly. Practices Christian values and principles based on love for others. Responds proactively to the completion of their activities. Demonstrates the ability to communicate in two national languages and a foreign language, valuing their mother tongue and sharing biblical knowledge, skills, and values. Applies knowledge, attitudes, and skills in disaster prevention and management processes. Exercises leadership and promotes citizen participation through service in areas reflecting needs within the community. Participates in teamwork to drive social and productive projects based on sustainability, equity, and the development of their community. Uses technology to advance their intellectual growth and achieve goals that honor God and benefit society. Expresses a lifestyle worthy of imitation in their social environment, being an active part of an evangelical Christian church even after graduating from Colegio Vida. Promotes and competently addresses problems related to their family and community. Upholds and practices biblical, civic, ethical, and moral principles. Demonstrates respect for individual and collective rights.

Vida Jr. High School Chijulhá

This school opened its doors for the very first time in January of 2018 with primary grades. In 2023 we opened to jr. high students. We are thankful for the opportunity to see the ministry of the Lord grow. This is a new work, with a mission, which is to bring the word of truth, bring life and spiritual healing to the communities near the school. We believe that the Lord will provide us in His time so we can build more classrooms in order to serve more children next year. We are blessed with what the Lord has given until now. Children from five communities are attending school here close to their home and thus, learning to read and write, and seek God every day.

Find out more about our support a class program