Vida Elementary School Mocohán kindergarten
Your class is learning a lot this year! In kindergarten, the students are learning to acknowledge that God loves them and has good plans for their lives. They are learning to express love for God and their neighbor and to recognize their own uniqueness, and show gratitude for their gifts and talents. They are practicing values and courtesy in their daily lives and demonstrating their creative abilities. The kindergarten students are learning to exhibit indepence by engaging in activities such as coloring, cutting, writing their names, tying their shoelaces, buttoning, personal care and hygiene, and maintaining order. They are continuing to learn their alphabet and are learning age-appropriate logical-mathematical thinking skills, including recognizing and writing the numbers from 1 to 30.Vida Elementary School Mocohán
This class is part of Impact Ministries' Vida Elementary School Mocohán. The community of Mocohán has over 1,000 school age children and yet only one small public school. This leaves 750 children without the opportunity to go to school. Impact Ministries was given a piece of property by the community council and invited to open a school project. The Mocohán Vida School opened January 2007 and we provide an elementary program for approximately 200 students from Preschool to Grade 7. This community is known for infighting and poverty. The majority of adults are unable to read or write. Even many of the pastors only teach by repeating what they have heard because they can't read the Bible for themselves. A large majority of the children don't have a father figure in their home. Out of the tragedy of this situation God is doing a beautiful work in this school. Students are learning to seek God. Bible memorization is a priority and lives are being changed. There is a feeling of love and peace among the students and teachers. They are very thankful for everything that God is providing them through the school.
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PO Box 975 Kamloops, BC V2C 6H1 250.434.4350 |
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PO Box 550 Duvall, WA 98019-0550 617.855.5259 |